
Max Payne 3

Das Rockstar Team hat sich eine ganz spezielle Methode ausgedacht wie sie mit Cheatern in Max Payne 3 umgehen wollen. Wer erwischt wird mit Modifizierte Dateien, Hacks etc. das einem einen unfairen Vorteil im Multiplayer verschafft, wird auf den "Cheater Server" verbannt. Dort müssen die bösen Jungs unter sich sein.
Hier der Offizielle Beitrag dazu :

"Anyone found to have used hacked saves, modded games, or other exploits to gain an unfair advantage in Max Payne 3 Multiplayer, or to circumvent the leaderboards will be quarantined from all other players into a "Cheaters Pool", where they'll only be able to compete in multiplayer matches with other confirmed miscreants. In the event we decide to absolve any of these cheaters for their past transgressions they may re-enter play with the general public, however a second offense will result in their indefinite banishment. In either case, we will be removing invalid leaderboard entries to ensure that the players at the top of the charts have earned their spots fairly.
If you see anyone in Max Payne 3 multiplayer using invincibility hacks, infinite adrenaline, score cheating or doing anything else suspicious, just send us an email atmaxpayne3.banhammer@rockstargames.com and include the following:
Platform (PC, PS3 or Xbox 360)
Cheater’s Gamertag / ID
Description of the violation
If possible, please include concrete evidence, such as a video or a screenshot"

Also, immer schön fair bleiben ;)

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